"Dragon of the North has had a massive impact on the music curriculum within the whole school, providing
a wide range of high quality musical experiences for the children which has certainly made the school a musical school!
The entire team have extensive subject knowledge and deliver the curriculum in a fun and engaging way - it's the highlight of the children's week when they are taught music!"
Denise Kennedy, Head, Hammond Academy
"Since contracting the Dragon of the North team, music in our school has gone from strength to strength. The knowledge, commitment and enthusiasm of staff have made a significant impact on our pupils' love of music and on the improvement in the quality of music provision across the school. Lessons are well-structured and delivered with passion and pace. I have been impressed by the classroom management skills of the team and their ability to promote high levels of engagement in lessons.
Not only has the impact been seen during curriculum time, but members of them team have also contributed significantly to the provision of extra-curricular activities, and they have totally revamped singing assemblies! Parental feedback has been very positive following public performances in assemblies, but the most powerful seal of approval has undoubtedly come from our pupils- music lessons have never been so eagerly anticipated!"
Gemma Wishart, Head, Harwood Hill Primary
""I have worked with Dragon of the North for many years, initially working with them delivering PPA music cover for my class in my NQT year. I saw in that school how the children's musical knowledge, their understanding, and their passion for music were transformed, and this was all down to Dragon of the North, led by Dan. I had absolutely no hesitation, when securing my first position as a school leader in another local school, in getting in touch again to make the difference to the music provision in my new school. I would recommend Dragon of the North to anyone who wants to promote in their children a passion for creativity, music and dramatic arts."
Alex Griffiths, Deputy Head, George Street Primary
"I have been very impressed with the quality of the music teaching. Children in each class are always engaged and are clearly enjoying the lessons. Dan manages to involve a wide range of musical skills in the lessons, including reading music notation, singing solfege, ensemble singing in unison and in parts, development of listening as well as improvising. He adapts his lessons to suit each age group, for example, lots of movement in the early years to reading and writing of music notation in the older classes. For the older children he is able to create a class orchestra including tuned and untuned percussion , piano and keyboards. His choice of current songs is very effective in producing enthusiastic performances from the children."
M. Boylan, Teacher, Panshanger Primary

Photographs taken by Chloe Hobbs.
"Music is really fun, I love playing the instruments. We actually learn about the notes and that helps me to play other instruments."
Molly, Year 4
"I like to improvise and to try out different things.’
Jake, Year 6
‘Music lessons are amazing, now I am playing instruments which I couldn’t play before.’
Kaleed, Year 5
‘I like that we can take what we learn in the class lesson and use it in the band.’
Rasheen, Year 6